Monday, April 21, 2008

Pizza Eating Etiquette.

The staple food for an overwhelming amount of the meetings and events that occur at my school is pizza. It is cheap, easy, people generally like it, and you can always find a place willing to deliver 4-10 pies. When there are slices left at the conclusion of any of these meetings and/or events, the remaining pizza is usually placed in the student lounge, whereupon it is attacked by students like a pack of wild vultures descending on the carcass of something that has been freshly-hit on the desert highway. It is really a spectacle, and I'd be a liar if I denied ever having participated in the orgy of hunger a few times myself.

However, a chronic problem that accompanies these feasts is the matter of disposing of the box. Besides proving to be incredibly frustrating to all those hapless students who open it hoping to find just one more slice, it is just plain rude and ugly to leave the box lying around. I have a simple solution for this. If a person takes the last slice from the box, and fails to immediately throw that box away (in one of the many garbage cans that adorn our student lounge), that person should be drug out into the street and shot. Now, this will seemingly be difficult to implement since almost no one in this city has a gun. In lieu of a failure to procure a loaded firearm, one can substitute the "shot" part of the punishment with a swift kick to the teeth.

This punishment may seem draconian and harsh for some. But I tell you what, the first time someone gets kicked in the mouth for not throwing a box away will be the last time someone will fail to throw the box away. Or maybe I can go back and find the knife-fighting guy in the park, I bet that genius has some great insight into how I can solve this problem.

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