Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sympathy for the Devil.

This whole polygamist ranch thing has been fascinating to me. Initially, I was pretty disturbed that over 400 children could be taken from their families on the allegations of one person. I recognize the dangers in not taking the children if the allegations are true, but until something else is substantiated, it appears to me like this particular allegation is carrying more water simply because the community it is against happens to be on the fringes of society, which generally smacks of “lame” to me.

That being said, I had to remind myself today of where my sympathies should be. I think many religious folks are bat-shit nuts, and this sect appears to be especially heinous as they’re (if the allegations are true) using their faith to justify statutory rape and child molestation. I read that 400 teenage boys were recently excommunicated for various reasons. But the cynics are saying they were excommunicated simply because there isn’t enough women so that every adult male can have multiple males. If that’s true, jesus tits, I’ll save by breath and keep my concerns about them being treated differently to myself, save my do-gooder rants for a more worthy cause.

I’m sure there is a family somewhere in that compound that hasn’t broken any sexual assault laws, and it’s a shame that their kids got swept up in the whole mess because of all the other crap going on. But come on, if you wanted to avoid the potential of your kids being taken away by CPS, you probably should have chosen to live somewhere other than a polygamy compound owned by a group that, until last year, has been led by a dude who was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List for activities related to being an accomplice to rape and sexual conduct with minors. What a winner.

I don't what I'm saying anymore. Anyways, yea, those people are nuts, and I'm going to continue following this story.

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